Our recent trip allowed us to experience some great food, Here are a few suggestions for London and Barcelona.
We love La Genova in London, a small Italian restaurant frequented by Tony Bennett and the late Pavarotti. Fresh home made pasta with a variety of sauces, most made by the owner/chef Rinaldo Pierini. Located at 32 North Audley Street, London. You can make reservations on their web site.
We also recommend Patterson's at 4 Mill Street, Mayfair. London. You can make reservations on Open Table or on their web site also. Great contemporary cuisine.
Our favorite this time was MAZE, a Gordon Ramsay restaurant located at 10-13 Grosvenor Square, London, with access also through the Marriott hotel. This was one of the finest meals we have ever had! The menu consisted of small plates, a tasting menu. There were 20 choices each one was so flavorful and absolutely delicious. Our waiter gave us a menu to bring home and a tour of the kitchen!
In Barcelona we found two gems. For absolutely delicious fresh seafood, try Botafumeiro. It's been there since 1975. The decor is as good as the food. This was a wonderful dining experience. As we entered we walked past the "bar" all set for more than 12 diners. Our waiter told us that this is a favorite with the locals as they can chat with each other as they enjoy the fresh catch. Botafumeiro Gran de Gracia, 81. Barcelona. www botafumeiro.es
The best tapas were to be found at Paco Meralgo, our menu was in English and had too many choices, but we really enjoyed the shrimp in garlic butter, grilled asparagus, cod salad with tomato and olive oil, steamed mussels and the tomatoe bread. I could go on and on. It was wonderful! Our waiter spoke good English and also sang while he worked, Paco Meralgo Mutaner, 171 Barcelona.
In Barcelona, of course, the best time to dine is after 8:00pm hard to adapt, but we tried!
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